(Why cinema fascinates me)

The World-Famous Studio Tour - Hollywood Studio - Universal ...

Cinema is the production of movies as an art of the industry. The short history on how moving images led to the modern invention of films are the Edison Company in the USA successfully developed the prototype of the Kinetoscope, one person at a time was able to view moving pictures.(1891)  (Cinematography or if it is hand drawn it is referred to as animation) Films were only a few minutes. By 1914 the establishment of many film industries were established, they had invested more money in production, distribution and exhibition) The First World War limited the film industry in Europe. In (1909) was when the distribution of color was added to films. Color was not widely used until the three color process in 1932. Sound wasn't added in films until the film (The Jazz Singer) the Warner Brothers' Vitaphone system was used for sound in the film with each reel of film.

The experience that sparked my interests in how movies are made is when my parents took me on a long vacation in  08' we went to all the amusement parks that summer (Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea world and the zoo) My first time visiting Universal Studios, it was that experience from the tour which they tour the studio back-lots and the movie sets and special effects is what forever developed my interest in cinema. It was similar to the disolvement of the real world and entering another that is fueled by creativity and imagination. It was the revealing of the secrets behind the magic upon the composure of films. The sets used in many films of "The New York" strip of land used for filming, an urban city perspective. The film studios use sound staged to produce local television shows. The 3D technology used for King Kong (2005) film. The practical effects of fire, the variable of rain when the weather is not predictable. The technology can also produce the practicality for floods also. The nostalgia of the original the western films are refreshing to observe, the techniques used to film of filming the actors in a continuous shot instead of a single profile of a character. The special effects of the subway scene of the gas tank falling, the roof breaking, earth quake movement and fire, the overall experience was astonishing and eyeopening to my curiosity in the film industry possible hope to be a part of the industry as a young director. Creating movies is controlling the lense only on what you want to audience to experience and keep after watching the film.

Steven Spielberg actually snuck onto the Universal film lots and sets one summer to study as an aspiring director for three days until he got kicked off a film set that was in set shooting, he didn't have the pass on the fourth day. Who would've thought he created most of the well known films today (Jaws, Jurassic Park, E.T, Back to the Future...) An origin story that Universal City opened on March 14, 1915 the admission to see the movie productions were five cents. You could buy produce since the city was part of a working farm. The extent of the movies have been in progress since March 15, 1955 (tour)  Overall this experience inspired me to look into the process of how movies are made, movies in general are an experience for generations to enjoy, it allows people to temporarily leave the stress of the real world for a period amount of time and join people together.


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